Sunday, May 3, 2020

End of Quarantine--Released

It seems that April has come and gone. You have probably heard of the saying that the days may go by slow, but the weeks go by fast! The end of our quarantine has come and gone and the world is still in quarantine. We still practice social distancing and don't venture out too much. We have watched spring slowly came awake and have rejoiced in Easter.

April 12, 2020 Easter Day 13 of New Quarantine
When we first arrived in Lima, it was winter. The skies were always gray and we didn't even know that we were surrounded by mountains. On a walk one day we looked up and there He was, a statue of Jesus. He had always been there, waiting for us to notice Him. His arms were outstretched, beckoning us to come unto Him. At this Easter time I testify that Jesus Christ is....

To set the captives free
Risen to ransom you and me
To bind up every broken heart
To conquer death and sin.
To bring us home again."
From the song "Risen" by Shawna Edwards (check out the song on YouTube)

April 13, 2020 Day 14 of New Quarantine
We lived in a very nice neighborhood in Lima. Most of the buildings were apartments. There were very few single family dwellings. Plants were valued and there would be trees, flowers, grass, and shrubs in front of every building. We visited areas that were not that way. The roads were dirt. There was no glass in the windows. And dividing walls in houses might be cardboard. The water would be trucked in and put in large containers by or on top of the houses. They would have to purchase their drinking water. Two very different worlds so very close together!
Our apartment, we live on the 2nd floor

View of our neighborhood

Estrellitas in Cieneguilla

Rio Seco

April 14, 2020 The New Quarantine is Over

Whenever you are stopped in traffic in Lima, someone will try to sell you something. It could be a drink, snack, or even a steering wheel cover. Everyday when we would walk to the office we would come across the sweetest lady. She was dressed just like this.(Except she didn't carry a duck!) She would sell snacks to anyone who would buy one. Thor would buy a treat from her once or twice a week. In all probability this is how she made her living. With the quarantine in Peru we hope she has food to eat, because her livelihood is gone.

April 21, 2020 Released
Today we were officially released from being missionaries for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We were released by our wonderful stake president, President Martin Clark, over the phone. Things are just not the same with the virus around.
We are hoping to return to a mission and a mission in Peru when the time is right. We have loved our time in Peru. We have loved all the wonderful people that we have met along the way! What a blessing to be able to serve a mission.

Plants of Peru

We loved all the varieties of plants in Peru. Many seem to bloom all year long. Smelling the Jasmine and honeysuckle was heavenly. You could find something you had never seen before just around the next corner. Just a little beauty to brighten your day!

Random Photo of the Week

End of Quarantine--Released

It seems that April has come and gone. You have probably heard of the saying that the days may go by slow, but the weeks go by fast! The en...