Sunday, July 14, 2019

Please Tell Me When I Can Open My Eyes

Something Crazy

Have you ever thought that you are about to die? Just take a ride in a taxi or Uber in Lima and your life flashes before your eyes! 
The major streets are always congested with cars, buses, and motorcycles. There is a lot of horn honking. I'm pretty sure the honking means something, but I haven't figured it out. The motorcycles drive in between the cars or to the side of the cars or where ever they want. 
If you are stopped in traffic for any amount of time, someone appears from the side of the road and will sell you treats or drinks. You are always stopped in traffic so I guess treats and drinks make sense. 
There are round abouts or ovalos where the traffic is especially crazy. The car to your right might be going to the left, while you're going to the right. It's truly amazing that we haven't seen any accidents.
Last Sunday we went out for a walk and lo and behold NO one was driving on the roads. (It was the final soccer game of the America Cup and Peru was playing Brazil.) It was really eerie and very nice. If you come to visit remember to buckle your seat belt and hang on!
Day of no traffic!
PS I've resorted to closing my eyes a lot when we are in an Uber or I look out to the side--never to the front! Way too scary.
PSPS This is something really crazy. Tonight we ended up with the same Uber driver that we had on June 30! Wow, his name is Henry and he is really nice.

Something Different

This week we had two days of multi-zone conferences. A zone conference is where all the elders and sister missionaries from the different areas or zones come to a church and have training meetings.  We have around 150 missionaries in our mission. Half of the missionaries came on one day and the rest came the next day. We were able to go both days because we are in the same zone as the elders that work in the office and they go both days.
It was fun to meet all the elders and sisters and feel their enthusiasm.  Listening to them sing from their hearts is a highlight from both days. (If only wards could sing like that.) The best part was their excitement when they found out they were having Little Caesar's pizza for lunch.  The place erupted in noise. Each companionship got to share a pizza. That is a lot of pizza. There were extra ones and the elders inhaled them also.
The training was to help them improve as missionaries. It was impressive to see elders teaching different things that they needed to improve in. We were also able to listen to some really special testimonies. The elders and sisters that are going home at the next transfer bore powerful testimonies of our Savior. I didn't understand all that they said, but I could feel the spirit testify of the truth of what they said.
A t Zone Conference
Elder Madruga--one of our Elders going Home

The official mission picture! President and Sister Amato

Something Spiritual

Tonight was our official first training of the self-reliance program. "Self-reliance is the ability, commitment, and effort to provide the spiritual and temporal necessities of life for self and family. As members become self-reliant, they are also better able to serve and care for others."
We were at the Central Stake. President Rafael Garrido is the second counselor in the stake presidency (age 29) and over the self reliance program. He is a refugee from Venezuela, has been in Peru for two years and speaks perfect English. He is my new best friend! We really love him. He is trying so hard to do what is right for the Lord and for his stake.
President Rafael Garrido of the Central Stake

Thor did a fantastic job of presenting how the program works. When the training was finished President Garrido said that now he felt empowered. I know that others that were there better understood their role in helping their ward members become self-reliant.
It is important to note that we ALWAYS rely on our Savior and His atonement for us. We do the necessary work to become more spiritually in tune and then we can reach out and help others.

Central Stake Self-Reliance Training
Lots of wonderful people
 New Feature! Guess the plants from the Peru!

This is all the same plant. It is called Angel's Trumpet.  Everything about an angel's trumpet is dramatic: Pendulous floral bells (6-10 inches) sway gracefully from sturdy branches, perfuming the sultry evening air with fabulous scent.

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