Monday, August 26, 2019

Did You Say Quidditch?

Something Magical

Last night I saw something truly magical! We were on our way to a training in Las Flores. I am looking out the window and there are a lot of people in a group. I look closer and they have colored sticks between they legs that they are holding on to. They are playing some kind of game. At each end of the playing area there are three large rings up on stands. There are different sizes of balls that they are using. I realize that they are playing Quidditch. "Look they're playing quidditch!" Our driver asks what? And we explain that it is the game in the Harry Potter books.
I wish I had gotten a picture. It's nice to know that Harry Potter is alive and well in Peru.
PS I had to look up how they do the snitch. Here is the information from Wikipedia. "The ultimate goal is to have more points than the other team by the time the snitch, a tennis ball inside a long sock hanging from the shorts of an impartial official dressed in yellow, is caught."
These are not the brooms they used. These are used by the workers who clean the sidewalks.

Something Comical

I was out in Campoy. The missionaries out there actually call it Campolvo, because of all the dust. (Polvo is dust in Spanish.) They were all so very nervous to come and talk with me. It was pretty comical. I tried having them do yoga breathing as we walked down the hall to my room. The other funny thing is that they made sure that everyone of them talked with me. One of the zone leaders, Elder Paez had been there and then had left to an appointment. When he returned there was a group of elders that escorted him down the hall to my room. They all try so hard!
Hermanas Pozo and Royal showing off their clean room to Elders Lindstrom and Pardo

Something Spiritual

I had several sweet experiences as I have been interviewing the missionaries.  This week I had two missionaries ask if they could share their testimony with me in English.  What a priviledge it was for me to listen to Elder Vazques and Hermana Suarez testify of truths in English.

I just loved this experience that Hermana Black shared with me. In our mission we look for the escogidos or the elect. In Doctrine and Covenants 29:7 it states: "And ye are called to bring to pass the gathering of mine elect; for mine elect hear my voice and harden not their hearts." The missionaries are taught some questions that they may ask to see if the people will hear the Savior's voice.  She and her companion decided that they would fast and prayer that the people would recognize them as representatives of our Savior, Jesus Christ. She related that one lady that they meet, recognized something different about them. They were then able to teach her.
What a powerful idea! To be recognized as representatives of Jesus Christ. Isn't that what we try to do as we love our neighbors and minister to those around us. As we treat others with the love and compassion that the Savior had for everyone, we too will be recognized as His disciples.

One last thought, I would encourage you to read this article. It is about a young man that lives in our mission. He and his twin brother were baptized 6 months ago and are now planning on going on missions.

Plants of Peru

This one smells divine!

Random Photos of the Week

Thor went for a ride in a mototaxi with Elders Pardo, Binford and Moreno.
I don't know how they got four elders in one!

The first course at lunch! 

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