Thursday, October 24, 2019

Another Week in Lima

Doce Semanas (12 weeks)

When the new missionaries come to the mission, they have a program called "The First 12 Weeks". With their trainers they complete certain tasks and assignments. One of the assignments is reading the Book of Mormon cover to cover!
The Doce Semana graduates with their trainers

When the 12 weeks are over they have a special training and graduation. It's amazing to see how much they grow and progress in those 12 short weeks. Most of them become quite fluent in a new language! (Definitely better than me.) They look a lot older and more confident. They have become missionaries for the Lord.
Hermanas Stephan, Suarez, & Royal--Happy Graduates!

Another Graduation

Friday was another graduation! The refrigeration class at Fundet graduated. These guys were the first group that Thor taught a self reliance training to at Fundet. He has gone back each week to supervise their "Starting and Growing My Business" self reliance class. He was excited to be there with them as they graduated!
Fundet Graduation

Cars and more Cars

Our friends, the Hixsons, invited us to go to the car museum with them on Saturday. This is a very large private collection. All of the cars have been found in Peru and lovingly restored. The owner drives them at times. ( We assume the early morning hours, because the traffic is horrific here.) There were interesting little tidbits that they had written about each car. Such as: where it was found, who it belonged to, and my favorite --this was given as a wedding gift.
1929 Rolls Royce British Phantom II

1949 Station Sedan Woody (That is real wood paneling.)

Auburn (U.S.A.), modelo speedster 851 SC (supercharged) de 1935. 

Plants of Peru

Random Photo of the Week
One man and a moto moving company
We found this parade as we were riding in our taxi!

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