Sunday, March 22, 2020

Quarantine Week #1

I have been posting on Instagram all week and thought I would just share the thoughts and pictures from there (with a few added items). We hope this finds you all well and healthy! We are doing fine. We have plenty of food, air conditioning, and company! Our upstairs neighbors are also senior missionaries. We are blessed!

Quarantine Day #1

The whole country has been put in quarantine. We can only go out to buy groceries, go to the doctor, the bank or get fuel.
The last flights out of the country left before midnight today. (March 16)
All the little stores have closed. So have all the restaurants. We don't know what will happen to all the little businesses. We don't know how they will get money to support their families during this quarantine.
This is the last remaining store open in a line of little tiendas.
It is only opened because it has groceries.

Quarantine Day #2

We ventured out to get groceries from the supermarket. There was plenty of toilet paper! If you need some you could come and visit. Oh sorry no planes flying into Peru. What was missing on the shelves was all the rice and dried beans.
Get all the toilet paper you want, within reason!

All rice and dried beans are missing from the shelves!

Quarantine Day #3

These pictures were taken during our rush hour traffic! This is a major road, normally it would be completely full and backed up during rush hour. No one is on the roads. Only authorized taxis can drive. Thor read an article that said that the particulate matter in the air has dropped by 30%, just because no one is out driving. We have cleaner air to breath! What a blessing--because some days it was really bad.
This is the major road, Javier Prado, that many of the cars, buses, and trucks travel on daily.
At the ovalo (round about) on Javier Prado.
One senior missionary reported this about his trip to the doctor. ( Plus the doctor wasn't even there!) "We were stopped by police/army 3 times on the way there and once on the way back. The taxi driver had to show a paper authorizing him to be on the road, and I had to show the email confirming my appointment."

Quarantine Day #4

Besides being in quarantine, we also have a curfew. The curfew goes from 8 pm to 5 am. 462 were arrested last night for violating curfew.
Since we have a curfew and are in quarantine our Pathway group met by Zoom conferencing. Our first night was a bit of a disaster to get everyone on. Some of the students internet would go on or off and not enough WiFi 😡. Our student who was leading the discussion was finally able to get on with 20 minutes left!
This is our Pathway group before corona virus!
You have to go out in disguise if you just want to go for a walk. You have to carry a shopping bag so if you're stopped you can say you're going shopping!
Hermana Ames going out in disguise!

Quarantine Day #5

We received a new fashion directive today. The government would like all those who go out of their homes to wear face masks. We have two different styles to choose from depending on what you are wearing that day.
The choice in face masks!
Our Area medical doctors are showing the proper wearing of the latest fashion.
Our area medical doctors, Elder and Hermana Hixson.
You can see that it has caught on rapidly because of all the people wearing them in the grocery store! Remember don't go out without one and you will be properly dressed for any occasion.
Our local grocery store with the latest fashion.
Quarantine Day #6
Planning a vacation while you're in quarantine! Where in the house could you go? Maybe outside? Nope can't go outside, not even for a walk. Maybe we could go camping inside! A tent is always a good diversion.
You can do all sorts of things in a tent! Like call the grandkids. Three of the grandkids are out riding bikes and practicing their social distancing. The other has a tent of her own, so she understands Grandpa.

Plants of Peru

Random Picture of the Week

Lima Peru Temple
This picture remains me of who is in charge! It reminds me of whom we need to put our trust in. As we rely on our Heavenly Father he will bless us with the peace that we need in a troubled world.

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